This month's fave lesson:
I created this lesson originally, then adapted it to accomadate an autistic student.
Changes are noted in the paper.
The lesson's PowerPoint is below also.
Adapted Sanskrit Poetry Lesson
PowerPoint Template
As I add new lessons, I may add additional pages to my site, sorted by grade or subject.
For example, pages could be added that are titled:
Language Arts 9
Language Arts 10
Social Studies 10
Music Appreciation 11
Language Arts 12
Poetry Unit
Blues & Ballads presentation
Guided Reading Activity
Post Reading Activity
Vocabulary Game
Emily Dickinson Lesson
Again, some of the lessons were used in my student teaching.
I've attached three that went over well with the students. The notes pages give information that was used
for the lesson, though certainly not verbatim.
My student teaching was completed at a school on a block schedule with 90 minute classes. Every class
began with music playing softly, while students went over the daily objectives and began the writing exercise.
The examples given below are simple editing exercises. I would sometimes give writing prompts or word puzzles.
We would move on to a grammar lesson, then on to the content. We were covering poetry in my 10th grade classes and Transcendentalism
in the 11th grade classes.
Feb 21, 2008 (LA 11)
March 6, 2008 (LA 10)
March 21, 2008 (LA11)